Remote bioresonance treatments allow for in-depth energy harmonisation without an in-person visit. Using a hair clipping, saliva swab, or photograph, your energy is assessed and balanced using the Rayocomp machine. This process supports various systems within the body, including immunity, metabolism, and the nervous system, and includes testing for allergies, intolerances, and geopathic stress, as well as checks for viruses, bacteria, and parasites—such as Epstein-Barr virus, Borrelia, and past infections.
Effective for both physical and emotional needs, remote sessions provide comprehensive support and convenience. Start a remote session to experience accessible, balanced wellness wherever you are.
We’re here to help you explore natural ways to support your well-being. Reach out with any questions or to schedule a session. Simply fill out the form below, and we’ll be in contact shortly.
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07534 637161Send us an email
[email protected]